We are an adaptive childrens brand on a mission to empower kids of all abilities to spring forward with New-Found-Hope in their Soles!
Core Values:
The path of purpose; embracing the challenges and battling boldly to make the world a brighter place for all to enjoy. Boldness, combined with love and humility, is like a light in the darkness.
The mind that is set on living honestly and with integrity. Thinking about things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy.
The heart that is content to put others before themselves. Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
The body and soul aligned in the way of peace and steadiness. Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

NFH - The Journey
Family Reunion
New-Found-Hope started with two brothers wanting to connect and bridge the divide that had seen 21 years of living in the same household but rarely speaking due to Autism and Neurodevelopmental Differences. A Project formed.

NFH - The Journey
Steps Together
A problem was then discovered one day while out on a run together that the older brother was breaking apart his shoes due to walking and running persistantly on his toes. Steps were then taken to engineer a product that adjusted his foot-gait to a healthy heel-to-toe motion.

NFH - The Journey
Learn, Grow, Develop
A Special Tiptoe-Stopping Technology along with a New-Found bond to last a lifetime. Developed through trial, error and many an adventure; these two soles grew from from shoe, insole to comfortable slipper sole.

NFH - The Journey
1st Prize!
Winning The University of Dundee New Ideas Award in 2023.

NFH - The Journey
Venture Award!
Winning Funding from The University of Dundee Venture Competition 2023 along with best pitch IPad prize!

NFH - The Journey
Scottish YoungEdge Winner!
Being recognized by The Royal Bank of Scotland and Scottish Edge as one of the top start-ups in the country was a landmark moment for New-Found-Hope. This honor marked a new chapter in our journey and added further momentum to our mission of empowering children of all abilities to spring forward with New-Found-Hope in their soles!

NFH - The Journey
Converge KickStart Award!
Along with funding and an award, we were honoured to receive several mentions in the Deputy First Minister, Kate Forbes MSP, speech at the event - talking about the impact New-Found-Hope will have on children locally and globally. What a night!!

NFH - The Journey
Lions Award!
Graduating the Lions 2024 Cohort was a proud moment. An intense, rollercoaster and growing experience we had the pleasure of experiencing alongside a hand-picked high-level leaders from around the UK.
We were also blessed to win further funding and honoured to receive a spot on the 2nd year Lions experience in 2025!

NFH - The Journey
Lab Testing!
New-Found-Hope Footwear has now been tested in a Lab...with great success!
What a fun experience with our first few Tip-Toers, who now have our shoes out in the real world!
Having Won Funding from Interface, and in Collaboration with Queen Margaret University, the Lab and Real World Testing Continues....